Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Frivolous knitting!

I saw the pattern, I loved the design, I tried on the sample that someone had knitted to inspire the propective buyer and I was enchanted!  It was a frivolous design that looked fun and the wool was so soft, I didn't need to be persuaded and anyway, I had birthday money!

It knitted up so fast on biggish needles and the pattern was always changing so it kept the a couple of days one glove was completed.

I got to learn how to knit a rosette as well as a few different stitches I had never tried before....always learning, always more to challenge me, whether it be knitting or otherwise!

Never "blocked" a piece before, don't know why, will probably always do it now,  makes a flatter finsh on the edges, helped by You tube in demonstrating a neat way to do on reflection, not so frivolous after all!

Finished result, fingernails hidden as I'd been moving mud encrusted paving slabs that day and I was ashamed of the tattered and battered look....My nails will never be  manicured perfection....too much chicken poo and weeding.... Still the gloves look okay, I just need to wear them now...which is, of course the whole point of the exercise!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Spring, watch ya sowing?

"If you do not sow in the Spring, you will not reap in the Autumn"   Irish Proverb

So what am I sowing this year?  What am I hoping to reap as the year comes to an end?

Do I have aims, hopes, aspirations, oh yes, just a few..... :)

Will I be making a list? I expect so...Checking it twice? Understatement....

 The words for the year....Prepared, Productive, Purposeful and Party! All with sub headings and bullet points that elaborate further....  okay, it works for me!

I expect some of it will be recorded on here, working stuff through, living stuff out. It certainly looks like a year full of challenges for the taking. Will be learning to adjust to the rhythm of fast and slow and plan to enjoy both to the full.

Someone once said "Life is like a box of chocolates...." we all know the rest of the sentence....

Whatever I get, I pray I will honour Him and wake each morning with a renewed sense of expectation for what the day holds and how I might walk through it, perhaps meeting some of you along the way!

I had two of these last night!!!!  I just love the presentation with the heart in the middle.

And this is a sculpture called  "Never Let Go" by Jane Osmond which I stood and looked at for ages at New Wine, last year. I only have the postcard, but I loved it!

Just wanted it there to mark the start of the Year.

I wonder, what are you sowing into this year?


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