On 7th December 2010 I wrote in my journal that I dreamed of having planned evenings when I could cook for women and we could sit around a table and share our lives, our hopes, our struggles and our individual stories. Opportunities for encouragement, inclusion and authenticity; times to learn from each other.
How long have I been pondering this?!
I didn't want it to be about the food, although it would be fun to prepare, no, it was really about the conversation.....
Meaningful and straight through the veneer.....
Were there women out there who would come? Not to talk about their shopping trips, their holiday or what little Jack did to his sister that afternoon....I wanted women who longed for something more; to make their lives count for something.
Daring to dream....Were they out there, these women? Were they living it?
And then, this week I heard about IF:Table:
2 hours
4 questions
6 women
Sort of loosely based around these verses (hence the numbers)
Acts 2:46
New International Version (NIV)
IF Gathering was a recent womens conference in Texas (just Google it if you're interested in the background story)
However, out of it came this same idea of women meeting in someone's home once a month to discuss 4 questions, prepared in advance, to download. Women across the world discussing the same subjects on the same evening, or at least during the same week, if possible!
The challenge was there! Right let's have a go, could be fun, people would know what they were coming to! They could decline if they wanted.
Many ideas of how my evening could look start sparking off in my head, straight away!
So, here we go: Explore 2014.....12 meals, 60 women ...better start thinking about invitations!
Any questions?!
Added :17/03/14...... Date is fixed! First If:Table is on 4th April! We're off! Lots of positive responses, so looks as if I'll be inviting ladies throughout the year.