Tuesday 29 September 2009

The Important over the Urgent

If you were to write down 4-5 things that were most important to you in your life, I wonder what they would be. Yesterday, I wrote down my list of 4 and then I had to ask myself a question. "If I see these as being so important, then how much time am I actually investing in each of these 4 areas?" Then, because I'm a list person (!) took each area and looked at what "investing" could look like on a regular basis in terms of my time. It was an interesting exercise as it showed me that I needed to get my act together if I want there to be a richness and authenticity in those areas.

Someone has quoted these words; "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you always got."


Mavis said...

Nice thoughts Julie. I, too, am a list person. Maybe I should do a similar list. I love the quote at the end.

Sarah Head said...

Steve de Shazer, the father of Solution Focused Brief Therapy used to say "If you always do etc" a great deal. I quote it to people a lot and most look at me in surprise and say,"That's very true!" I like the "What's working and how can you do more of it too" :) I love your housewarming gifts!


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