Thursday 22 October 2009

Wash with Mother...

Nothing like a bowl of soapy bubbles, a little handwashing and a perfect view from the window. In go the bathroom mats...wash dark colours separately the instructions say.

Oh my word! Serious colour escapage!! I have dead man's hands, no really they are blue, cyanosed looking really freaky, but I can't do them justice in a photo. Believe me I tried, but holding out one hand and taking the photo with the other just didn't work!

It's as if I just squirted liquid paint in there and stirred it around for good measure. I stand there mesmerized by the sight. Everything I touch turns blue, I have blue drips down cupboards, splashed onto worktops. Do you remember those blue ice lollies that were around in the 70's...if you were around in the 70's, made your tongue look disgusting, I expect, can't remember...neither can I think of the name, but even then it seemed SO wrong to eat blue stuff.

Shaken, not stirred....

Then out on the line with the other washing, blowing in the wind. I love to see this, never grow tired of watching it billowing out and around.

Went over to say hello to Hattie who wanted some attention. She isn't bad for an exbattery hen entering her 4th year!

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