Monday 4 October 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window… it is "as black as your father's hat"

I am thinking... "one day at a time....lived to the full..."

I am thankful for... my church family who teach me so much. I am so privileged to have such people in my life.

I am learning that…when the pears fall off the tree, they are generally ripe after a couple of days in my kitchen.

From the kitchen...comes the aroma of a chicken meal cooked by N, made up (always the best!)  Secret ingredient?  Syrup....but it worked!

I am work uniform and wondering when the new tops will arrive....

I am creating...many things in my head that involve ensuites and dining areas, kitchens and bathrooms....all dreams for now. I am content but this word facillitate keeps popping up!

I am going... to Bath Spa on Sunday afternoon, with the Friday girls, A pool on the roof?!

I am reading…Zephaniah and River Cottage Cookbook :)

I am praying…"Your kingdom come in Yeovil"

Noticing that…cobwebs are strangely beautiful when covered with dew.

I am hearing... David cough, Dh type, the computer fan and clocks ticking.

Around the house...there is a pile of unsorted washing on the stairs, still damp from the line. I will hang them before bed, which will be soon.

One of my favourite things...dinner cooked for me.

Pondering these words…" But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always"  didn't expect to discover that in Hosea last week! (12:6)

A few plans for the rest of the week: get to grips with the camera, I am missing out on so much that it can do......but I wish there was an instruction BOOK instead of flippin' software to download.

A picture to share…

An English cream tea !

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