Thursday 22 July 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Friday July 22 2010

Outside my window… the teasels are turning purple and the Goldfinches have visited once so far!

I am thinking... that I need a day to blitz the house..

I am thankful lovely home...even if I managed to fuse the whole of the upstairs lights...makes me appreciate that electricity is something I take for granted most of the time.

I am learning that…sometimes you just have to say it or pray it and seize the the case of work today, before the phones start ringing again!

From the kitchen... I have eaten baked beans with melted cheese and two eggs, followed by plums and natural yogurt. Thank goodness for quick food!

I am work uniform and the trousers I bought last month are now too big...will be removing safety pin and sewing a tuck in the waistband this w/e.

I am creating...fruit salad tonight and tomorrow a "Welfare friendly" veal cassorole for when the boys return from their Nothern Europe Trip.

I am going... to wash some fridge shelves in a minute, having hopefully sorted out the leak which keeps dripping on to the carpet...

I am reading…Bringing Heaven to Earth by Bill Johnson, a book recommended by a friend.

I am praying…for my workplace.

I am hoping...that I will relax during my full body massage tomorrow!

Noticing that…I have hardly stopped all week, but it has been good and fulfilling....tomorrow I will play!

I am hearing...and I hope I am thing for sure, I am not writing it down yet...and I must. (cryptic!)

Around the house...are many unfinished tasks, will have to play, "Set the Cooker Timer" game.

One of my favourite things...Lying in bed listening to the rain

Pondering these words…Live Life and always be ready to learn new stuff!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Friday:Massage (as mentioned) Lunch with L, not sure where. Welcoming the men home!
Sat: A short time with A before he returns to London,Camping shopping, wedding, defrost freezer and ironing.
Sun: Church family and pm, can't wait(!) Strictly Come YCC dancing! Fundraiser for C and her dance course. Many mates all partnered up with different generations. Photos are bound to follow!!!!

A picture to share…

Imagine a poppy! The photo is taking forever to load!

A reminder of the trip my Husband and son are doing investigating stories from WW2, in particular D Day.

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