It will give you a little insight into our home....or the dubious machinations of my brain...probably more likely...I might even choose a different colour next exciting is that!!!!!!Oh boy...I must be more tired than I thought.
Part of my Easter decorations...still waiting to be put away in the cupboard for another time....
Memories of the Mona cake.....
Out of focus, but I'm blowed if I'm going up to N's room again....A throwback to childhood days and brother banter....
The woven wall hanging, camels, sheep and goats.....A 45 minute barter and leaving the shop 3 times, but we finally agreed a price.....Egypt, a holiday which sparked a life change....
A few things grabbed from the craft room/spare bedroom and thrown on the carpet.
Family joke. Mum's neurotic "I just need to say this before Dad and I go away and leave you guys for a weekend" sparked this purchase!
I still haven't read these magazines, but D is avidly digesting them....but then it was the other way around with "Home Farmer"...
The courgette that started it ! Such a thrill, tonight we had a large bowl each full of cooked vegetables from the garden. Turnip, broad beans, peas, carrots, grated beetroot, borecole (like kale) and basil all stirred around in an eggy mixture....flavour, out of this world, especially the carrots.
Before anyone asks me again, yes we really DID choose this colour deliberately....
A charity shop find which i had to add to the collection. One day, in my vintage kitchen, I will have a shelf devoted to egg cups.....and candles....and vases....and recipe books.....
And finally...for my special Palestinian friend, you know who you will now be singing the song and laughing! Your favourite colour is yellow so tonight's blog is dedicated to you.
and so to bed....
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